January 2016
All Live Reviews up-to-date Here
January 2016
970 GIGS!!! Here
January 2016
Small runs, bigger runs, 25mm, 38mm, free postage (UK only)
Please get in touch with us HERE for more info.
MAY 2012
Supporting NOMEANSNO!!!!
The Hairy Dog, Derby, Friday October 5th, very excited by this, it's going to be a cracking gig!!
Massive thanks to Lenny (HDP/Notts Punk Club) :)
Facebook Event
We're on vinyl at last!!!!
Copies of 'Shut The Fuck Up And Listen - Vol 5' (a 13 band 7" compilation album) are in our possession at last.
Massive thanks to Brad at Manic Pogo for all his help and to Pig Records,
PB Records & 1332 Records for including us on this release...we're very happy Monkeys!!
You can pick up a copy at gigs or at Manic Pogo.
Or from our Merch Page.
APRIL 2012
New Page, New Merch....at Manic Pogo
New T-Shirts and MP3 versions of 'Nowhere Nothing' EP, 'Why?' EP and 'Curse of the Monkeys' Album....all exclusive to
Manic Pogo
Also, coming very soon is a tribute to The Ramones featuring The Hanson Brothers, Invasives, The Dehumanizers and ourselves.
It'll be out in a few weeks on 7" vinyl and we've recorded a version of Rockaway Beach for it.
And, finally, we are going to be appearing on another 7" compilation called Shut The Fuck Up & Listen - Vol 5
On this record we contribute our song 'Bruce, Brenda, David, Death' and it features 13 other bands/artists (including Antiseen, Pamela Des Barres & The Koffin Kats) all doing songs of around the 1 minute mark or under.
This will be released at the beginning of May.
Massive thanks to Brad at Manic Pogo for his help with all of the above - absolute legend!!!
FEB 2012 - Latest news!!!!
Unfortunately we've had to pull out of the Sham 69 gig in Bolton (March 9th).
Sorry folks...we hope to get back to Bolton again as soon as possible.
More gigs added to the Gigs list.
And a new Live Review added to the Reviews page.
We are very sorry to announce that we've had to cancel all our gigs for February, we're gutted about this as we hate having to cancel gigs
but we have no choice.
Massive apologies to anyone who has booked us or was looking forward to seeing us this month, we hope to make it back to these places later in the year....
Normal service will be restored in March...thank you xx
[November '11]Euro Tour 2011 BLOG!!!
This years European Tour was great fun and we want to say a massive, gert big thanks to the following people for making it as good as it was:
Dave, James, Si & Tom (Rash Decision - legends!!) - it was a pleasure (again!!) chaps, proper job and roll on next year!! .
SPA, Paris, France (Oct 20)
Francky and Eurokunt, Benji and the distro man, the food people, the crazy people and the dogs.
It was ace to play with Eurokunt again and the after show consisted of a whole Motorhead album and some Dead Kennedys and, as usual, a crazy, drunken jam session.
Cracking night as always and can't wait to go back next year - whether it's in the same building or not....we'll be there!!
Saal, Mannheim, Germany (Oct 21)
Nachtwandel 2011 - Part 1
Rox and her Mum and Dad for sorting the gig, a place to stay and a great breakfast.
Iris, Inge and Uli for all their help and generosity at the venue.
Chicago Mary for the gig offers and 8 Balls On Fire for a top set.
Saal, Mannheim, Germany (Oct 22)
Nachtwandel 2011 - Part 2
Iris, Inge and Uli (again!!) for all their help and generosity at the venue. Iris also gave us a place to stay and some (more) beers and a couple of 'goodie bags' that we, sadly but luckily, left behind :)
Mondo Guzzi for a great set and Karmacopter for being the best band we've seen for a long, long time - amazing!!!
Also, on both nights, there were people we'd met when we played in 2009, it was great to see you all again and to meet some new crazy people - including the metal fan who got his mate to smash a beer bottle on his head...priceless!!
Both nights in Mannheim were mental...the crowds were nuts!!! Loved it!!!
The Nachtwandel is a street festival that happens every year in October in one part of Mannheim and there are all kinds of events going on in venues and in the street, with loads and loads of people everywhere and everything's free entry...hard to explain in a few words...if you get the chance go see for yourself, you'll love it too :)
Tempo Underground, Havlíckuv Brod, Czech Republic (Oct 23)
Last minute gig, good blagging by Dave Decision!!
Great little club, nice people and fun night.
Thanks to Jakub at Cecek Records, the bar owners, Phillip the English teacher and the people who came along to party with us, nice one!!
There's a video of 'Happy Days' from this gig HERE
Tempo Underground
Motorkárské Doupe, Humpolec, Czech Republic (Oct 24)
This one was quite strange :) An outdoor biker pub at the end of October in the Czech Republic - not the hottest place we'll ever play!!
It was an afternoon gig and there weren't many people there (I don't think it hit double figures) but the people there were pretty cool.
The owner was a great bloke (I think he recorded the gig) and a man called Petr took some cool photos and you can check them out HERE
We also did a voice-over for a radio station (Radio Doupe) which was fun :)
Stará Kovárna, Štoky u Jihlavy, Czech Republic (Oct 24)
Thanks to Jakub at Cecek Records (again) for this one (and the one above) and also for letting us stay for a couple of days at his house.
It was a Monday night, so fairly quiet, but still a pretty good gig. Love these little pubs in the middle of nowhere, great places to play!!
Thanks to Jakub at Cecek Records, the bar owners, Phillip the English teacher and the people who came along to party with us, nice one!!
The sets were good and we then set about polishing off as much Czech beer and vegetation as we could...proper job!!
Biograffs Club, Decín, Czech Republic (Oct 25)
Thanks to Sandra for sorting the gig out for us and to Rene and Veronika at the Club.
Also a big shout out to our new mates from France, BG du 57, who we played 2 gigs with...top geezers!!
Really liked this gig, great club, top sets, top food and a good laugh.
The beers went down well and so did the free shots and the (not so free but gratefully received) Absinthe's...steaming!!!
Rene and Veronika let us stay at the Club, which was appreciated, even if some of us didn't remember how we got to the sleeping room :)
Proper good breakfast the next day too...result!!
Florida Pub, Horovice, Czech Republic (Oct 26)
This was a cracker!!! Massive thanks to Egy, this is the 4th gig we've played for him, in 4 different places, and they've all been brilliant!!! He is a legend!!! :)
It was also great to see Jackie (from Jackie's Pub - we played there for Egy in April 2010) another legend...top man!!!
Good crowd, great food, free beer and top sets from the bands...what more can you ask for?
Well, a lot of free shots!!! Like they were going out of fashion ha ha
We were joined by BG du 57, again, for this one and a pleasure it was too :)
Big thanks to all of the people buying us the shots and taking shedloads of photos, it was great fun to meet you all and party...nice one!!!
Boss Bar, Podebrady, Czech Republic (Oct 27)
Our last night in the Czech Republic and a pretty bloody good one too!!!
Big thanks to Sandra (again!!) for sorting the gig and to Petr for putting us on...nice one!!
Another great little venue and enthusiastic crowd...we had a few jumping down the front and Rash Decision had crowd surfers!!
Some really cool people in there including a bloke drinking out of the biggest beer glass I've ever seen...it took 2 hands to hold it and it tasted great!!! Wish I'd had my camera.
It was also our last chance to hear the Czech welcome that we'd been hearing all week, "Hey, have this, I grow it in my garden" and bloody nice it was too :)
Jugendhaus, Roßwein, Germany (Oct 28)
Back in Germany for the last night of the tour and what a great gig it was!!!
Massive thanks to Felix (Final Effort) for putting us on...it was great to see him again (it had been 3 years!!) and nice to see that his 2SM t-shirt was still in one piece :)
Great venue, great food, free beer and a crazy crowd made it a perfect end to a cracking tour.
We had a pit, crowd surfing, singalongs and even someone giving Pete a shove (it was like being in The Rolleston!! ha ha) - absolutely loved it!!!
Also a big shout out to the other bands on the bill who played great sets - Your Redemption, Entrapped & Facing The Swarm Thought Facing The Swarm Thought - nice one chaps!!!
So that was basically it...10 days, 10 gigs, 3 countries, 2 bands...1 great crack!!!
Cheers, Merci, Danke and Dekuji everyone and see ya next summer for more of the same!!!
[September '11]New recordings up on the Music Page!!!
8 of the 13 tracks we recorded with Stu Mckay at Studio 6 are up on the music player.
There's still a few tweeks to be done but they're sounding pretty good.
Pop over and have a listen and please feel free to let us know what you think.
Massive thanks to Stuey...proper job!!!
[September '11]New recordings + Awards nomination!!!
New recordings being mixed tday.
We will be going down to Studio 6 in good old Wootton Bassett today to finish off our latest recordings - a kazoo solo (I kid you not!!) and then mixing and it will be done.
We will be releasing this as one half of a split album with Cornish thrashers Rash Decision around November/December on Pumpkin Records and Smegma Records.
Hopefully on vinyl as well as CD.
Our half consists of 13 songs in a whopping 18 minutes...all songs are previously unreleased....
1) Sayonara
2) Bruce Brenda David Death
3) Had Enough
4) Blurrr!! (Parts 1 & 2)
5) Number One Retard
6) Bullshitter
7) Intermission
8) I Don't Wanna Be Me
9) No Brakes
10) Migraine
11) Spontaneous Amoebic Dysentery
12) Last Orders
13) I Love Booze
South West Music Awards - Best Punk Band? Maybe...
We have been nominated for 'Best Punk band' at The South West Music Awards 2011 - you can see the nominations HERE.
According to one of the organizers "Nominations were taken from 100 venues around the region plus selected contacts placed in each county" so it's nice to know that some people around the south west think enough of us to put us forward for this...proper job!!
We know we won't win as we're in the same category as The Cut Ups, who are a bit more successful than us but it's nice to be nominated though (first and, more than likely, last time it'll ever happen) so we're definitely not complaining.
The event is being held at The Corn Exchange, Exeter, on Saturday November 12th and is a black tie do. It will be hosted by John Robb.
Other nominees include Muse, The Computers, Joss Stone, Portishead & Coldplay.
It will be pretty interesting if we win because we're playing a gig in Bristol that night so we can't be there..."unfortnately 2 Sick Monkeys can't be with us tonight but they sent us this message"
Do you think we'll need the bleep machine for that video? ha ha
[June '11]Badges....Do you want some?
Bands, Labels, Promoters, Venues (UK ONLY)...Get in touch.
We can make your badges for you. They will be in small runs to begin with (100 badges for Ł12 - includes postage) and if all goes well we will then do larger amounts.
Email smrcbadges@gmail.com for the badge template and details on payment.
[May '11]T-Shirt offer + PO Box has GONE
T-Shirt offer from DTees...
A friend of ours at DTees (an online t-shirt company) is offering all UK friends of 2 Sick Monkeys 10% off all items bought between now and the end of May.
All you have to do is enter 2SICK511 at the checkout to get the discount.
Go to http://dtees.co.uk/enter_shop to check out what's available and also if you have 5 minutes please 'like' their page on facebook (facebook/DTees)....thanks.
PO Box has GONE...
Due to the ridiculous costs involved we have decided to get rid of our PO Box address.
If you need to get hold of us by post, for example...you want to send us something, please email: info@2sickmonkeys.com and we will email you back with an address to send stuff to.
[February '11]New Interview + New Music Pages + Gigs
Changes to the website are still in my head but they will be here soon...I promise!!
We have just done a new interview with a bloke called Harvey Taylor for his blog Punk Rock '77 Thru Today
You can read it at: Punk Rock '77 Thru Today.
Thanks to Harvey for the interview, we really appreciate it.
New Music Pages...
Due to Myspace being absolutely rubbish now (and getting worse by the minute!!), we will be making sure that this website and our Facebook page are kept as up-to-date as possible.
As a result we've added a Band Page Tab from Rootmusic to our Facebook Page.
When you've got 5 minutes why not check it out?
We also have a page on Soundcloud as well, so if you use that you can also check us out at:
Yep, they're starting to come in now but, as always, they're not coming in quick enough!!!
We currently have gigs lined up for Swindon, Nottingham, London, Ramsbury, Exeter, Burton-On-Trent and several other places but we're always on the lookout for more :)
To check out what we have go to: Gigs and if you'd like us to play in your town, please get in touch at: booking@2sickmonkeys.com
[January '11]600 Gigs + New Review + Changes Coming
Happy New Year Folks!!!
On December 23rd 2010 we celebrated our 10th birthday by playing our 600th gig at The Furnace, Swindon.
It was a good night and, considering the terrible weather and the fact that there were 2 or 3 other gigs on in town, there was a pretty good turn out.
Thanks to everyone that came along, nice one, and also thanks to Joy Hanley for the great review of the gig.
You can read it at: http://greenmanmusicreviews.blogspot.com/
Changes coming....
Nothing too drastic but gradually over the coming weeks the website will be updated.
Myspace has been changed so much that it hardly works properly now, so anything that's on our myspace page (and not currently here) will be added to the site.
So all our Live and CD reviews will be here soon, as well as a load more photos, including live stuff, tour pics and flyers.
Also, I will endeavour to make sure this site is kept a lot more up-to-date....honest!!
[October '10]New Album + Europe
Early September saw us spend 5 days in Pumpkin Records Studios in Manchester recording all the music for the next album (currently titled 'Less Is More' but this could change).
It will feature 12 songs (in no particular order 'Inside/Outside', 'Burn', 'Happy Days', 'Swamp Jacket', 'Standby: To Die', 'It's Killing Me', 'Where's The Progress In That?', 'Why We're Here', 'The Thing', 'Emotion Sickness', 'Slow Down Or Die' and 'Lost My Head'.
We're halfway through the vocals at the moment, we will hopefully finish the rest when we get back from Europe in November.
It's all sounding pretty good so far and can't wait to get it finished and released.
Release date is hopefully going to be early December, it will be a joint release between Smegma Records and Pumpkin Records....we will also be joining forces with some other labels across Europe to release a vinyl version too, which will possibly be one of my happiest moments ever!!!
More news as and when..etc..
This week we go back out to Europe for what will be our 8th tour out there. We're touring with a band from Cornwall called Rash Decision, top band and really nice people. If you like Municipal Waste you'll love 'em www.myspace.com/rashdecision.
The dates are:
Thursday October 21st - SPA Squat, Paris, France
Friday October 22nd - Taverne du Théâtre, La Louvičre, Belgium
Saturday October 23rd - L'Art Cafe, Liege, Belgium
Sunday October 24th - Lord Knows Festival @ Vereinshoes, Vaals, Netherlands
Monday October 25th - The Plu, Heerlen, Netherlands
Tuesday October 26th - Tommyhaus, Berlin, Germany
Wednesday October 27th - Bárka Bar, Tocník, Czech Republic
Thursday October 28th - The Old Train Pub, Krupka, Czech Republic
Friday October 29th - STAK Reloaded, Schmölln, Germany
Saturday October 30th - Destille, Nordhausen, Germany
[October '09]500 GIGS!!!!!
After forming in December 2000 for a one-off gig supporting Darrin Mooney (Primal Scream) at a drum event in Swindon, we have since gone on to play 500 gigs in 13 countries (England, Scotland, Wales, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Bosnia, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia).
Some of these gigs have been with the biggest names in Punk Rock: Subhumans (3 times), Anti-Nowhere League (3 times), Discharge, GBH, The Varukers, The Buzzcocks, Total Chaos (twice), The Restarts, Goldblade, 999 (twice), Citizen Fish, Inner Terrestrials (loads!), Targetpoint, Captain Everything, The Vibrators, Sonic Boom Six, The Fight and Lord Bishop Rocks.
Along the way we have managed to cover 79,658 miles, use over 100 sets of bass strings and 40 pairs of drum sticks.
Fred has consumed 500 cups of coffee and Pete has helped himself to around 3,000 pints of cider and lager.
The longest sets we ever played were an hour and a half (in Elstertrebnitz & Nordhausen - both in Germany) and our shortest sets were 8 minutes in Aberdare, South Wales and 10 minutes in Hamburg, Germany.
Some of the strangest things that have happened include a woman ripping our shirts off while we played in Roznow pod Radhostem, Czech Republic and a man getting on stage in Mannheim, Germany and proceeding to play a spade as if it was a guitar...he was then joined by his friend with a rake, who did the same...fantastic!!
During all this we have been able to release 3 EP's and an Album on our own label (Smegma Records) and appear on over a dozen compilations.
We have more releases planned for next year....another EP, our second studio Album and, at long last, a live Album recorded in Lithuania!!
There will also be at least one tour of Europe and we will be heading out to Japan for some gigs either at Easter or in the summer...so there's going to be no slowing down and hopefully at some point in the not-too-distant future we will be hitting our 1,000th gig ;)
Thanks to anyone and everyone who has helped us in any way, big or small, over the last 9 years...you know who you are, we know who you are and we appreciate it big time!!!
Cheers x
[August '09]Back home...
We got back from our European Tour with Dead Subverts about 3 weeks ago, we had a bloody great time and can't wait to go out there again (although whether it's the year-long tour we were chatting about Matt, I'm not sure yet ha ha).
Big, big thanks to Kim and her van/bus for getting us everywhere we had to be (and a few places we maybe didn't have to but were fun to see anyway...sex dogs and wart hogs near Russia...ace!!).
Also my boys Matt & Bo (Dead Subverts) and all our tour buddies who came and went (and some came back again) Liv, Phillipa, Gabe, Annie, Pickles, Andrej the snorer and the 3 hitch-hikers we picked up outside Dresden.
We went through (and played in) France, *Belgium*, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, then Poland, Germany and Holland again....20 ace days, 14 gigs (well, 28 for me) and roughly 4 and a half thousand miles and lots of fun!!!
Best 3 weeks of my life and big thanks to all involved...nice one ;)
*We only stayed in Belgium, we never played as the gig was cancelled...I thought I'd better point that out as there's always one pedantic fucker out there, eh? ha ha ha ha
[May '09]One more push for Rebellion!!!!
If you have 5 minutes spare, can you please go to one (or more!!) of these links and ask for 2 Sick Monkeys to play at Rebellion Festival, Blackpool 2009.
It's the biggest Punk Festival in the world and would be great if we could get on to the bill.
Website: www.rebellionfestivals.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/rebellionfestivals
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Rebellion-Punk-Music-Festival
Cheers folks...much appreciated!!
[March '09]New Videos!!!!
Our good mate Billy Beaumont (you can find him HERE or HERE) has put together 2 promo videos for us.
He's made videos for 'Why?' and 'Live It Up (Fuck It Up)'.
We think they're bloody great and really appreciate all the work Billy has done on these for us ;)
Cheers big time mate, you're a legend!!!
[March '09]New Song!!!!
Just a quickie to let you that we've put a new tune on the music player
It's track 2 in the player, It's called 'Sayonara' and it's our little way of saying goodbye to Ayumi, our best mate in London.
She heads back to Japan soon and 2SM will miss seeing her at all the London gigs.
It's a very rough mix and was recorded in just under an hour last Thursday afternoon (March 12th), have a listen and let us know what you think.
Hopefully, we'll get a chance to do a better mix and get it mastered in the next couple of weeks.
In the meantime, hope you like it and why not check out Ayumi's band "Ratbags" at:www.myspace.com/ratbags3punk - they're ace!!!
[February '09]A load of new reviews!!!
Yep, just like the title suggests, a load of new reviews.
Gigs and ep reviews, all in our blogs at: www.myspace.com/2sickmonkeys and bloomin' nice they are too ;)
Big thanks to Fungalpunk Dave, Neil Issuepunk Zine, a chap from Staines called Neil Mach and Glitzine.net...nice one folks!!!!!
Check 'em if you've got 5 minutes spare and let us know what ya think.......Cheers
[January '09]Happy New Year!!! Thanks to Fungalpunk, Distorted & (maybe?) Rebellion
I'd like to start by saying a very big thank you to everyone that played a part in making 2008 a bloody fantastic year for us.
Fungalpunk Dave, Pumpkin Records, all our new friends in South East London (our 2nd home!!), Justine (and her family) from Roeselare in Belgium, Eastfield, everyone who booked us, came to the gigs, bought CD's, shirts & badges, Beth @ Punk of all Forms, Dave @ Green Man Music, The CD Mule, Lights Go Out Fanzine, Distorted Magazine...the list could go on forever....thanks to you all, we had a cracking year!!
72 gigs that saw us play in loads of new places to loads of new people, some great festivals here and in Europe and some brilliant all dayers all over the UK.
We also passed the 400 gig mark (currently on 425!!) and are marching onwards to 500!!
In October we released our new ep 'Why?' and have already sold out of the first pressing.....the next pressings will be with us this week...as will some XL t-shirts!!!
This year will see us releasing our 2nd studio album (hopefully around August), at least 2 new ep's and, finally, the live album will make it's long-awaited appearance!! It will also be accompanied by a live DVD.
January saw us interviewed in Distorted Magazine, it's a cracking magazine and you can check it out at: www.distortedmagazine.com
The interview was done by Dave Fungalpunk and he also voted us as his band of the year and for someone who sees an awful lot of bands a year it really does mean a lot to be thought of so highly.
Please check out his site www.fungalpunknature.co.uk it's a great site and the most updated Punk site in the UK.
One last thing, if you have 5 minutes spare, can you please go to one (or more!!) of these links and ask for 2 Sick Monkeys to play at Rebellion Festival, Blackpool 2009.
It's the biggest Punk Festival in the world and would be great if we could get on to the bill.
Website: www.rebellionfestivals.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/rebellionfestivals
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Rebellion-Punk-Music-Festival
Thanks loads for reading and if you signed up to the mailing list/became a fan on Facebook/a friend on Myspace/or just checked out the website - it's all very much appreciated!!
Take it easy folks
[December '08]FungalPunk loveliness and Dead Subverts
Another busy year draws to an end and another 70+ gigs have been played all over the place.
As always it's been a great laugh and massive thanks to all the bands, promoters and gig-goers that we've played, chatted, drank, smoked and had fun with.
Also, last week, FungalPunk Dave from Stockport gave us a fantastic review for the Why? ep, you can check it out on his site at: www.fungalpunknature.co.uk.
This site is the most updated Punk site in the UK and the man lives and breathes Punk Rock...please check it out, spread the word and help to keep the DIY scene alive.
Dead Subverts. Pete joined up with Matt & Bo from Pumpkin Records and The Something Somethings this summer to play bass for their new band...Dead Subverts.
So far, we have recorded 2 songs via email (You Call This Civilization? & Taking Civil Liberties), had 1 band practice and played 5 gigs!!
The music is kind of Anarcho/Hardcore, it's sounding pretty damn good and there will be split vinyl ep's and an album out in 2009 along with extensive touring across Europe, USA and ASIA.
Check us out at: www.myspace.com/deadsubverts
[October '08]EP ready and seeing stars
Yep as mentioned to your right the EP will be here from this weekend (18th Oct) - proper job and hope you enjoy it.
Also, we recently had our 400th gig, and due to a cancellation elsewhere, it was at our local venue Riffs Bar, Greatfield.
It was great that a good few people made it along and had some fun with us and big thanks to our mates The Parodies, Faintest Idea and Just Add Monsters for playing.
Yep, fun was had but the most bizarre sight of the night was Justin Hawkins (ex The Darkness) playing darts during our set ;)
I'll have a look around and see if I can find a pic or 2 to put up.
[October '08]Winner & Loser - Good News and Bad News
Winner - Chris of Polite Riot fame is the latest title winner with his choice of "100 % Drum & Bass...And Shouting" as the title for the Live Album.
Nice one Chris.
Loser - Us.
The Why? EP has been delayed and will not be out for another couple of weeks.
Gert big apologies to those that have already ordered it and, rest assured, it will be with you asap.
I have sent out some free CD's for you while you wait
[July '08]Why? & First Competition Winner
Yep, Why? is finally ready and it sounds pretty damn good too. It'll be up on the Merch page and Smegma Records myspace real soon.
And the first winner of the title's competition is Gaz from Perth, Australia with 'Walk A Fine Line' for the instrumental track on Why?.
We'll be in touch for an address to send the CD's to...nice one mate ;)
There's still 2 titles to go for, so just scroll down for the details and give it a go.
[April '08]Delays & Darrin Mooney
The releases mentioned below have all had to be put back due to problems with the recording of one of the tracks and Pete being out of action for a few weeks.
Pete is now on the mend and the recording, mixing and mastering will be completed in the next two weeks.
The revised release dates are:
May '08 - The 'Why?'EP (smeg007)
June '08 - Live Album (as yet untitled) (smeg008)
September '08 - New Studio Album (smeg009)
Also, the competition (see below for details) is still running...so there's still time to win yourselves some free CD's
Darrin Mooney (Primal Scream)
Our first ever 2SM gig was supporting Darrin Mooney in December 2000 and we are lucky enough to be supporting him again, along with Colin Woolway, founder of Drumsense.
This gig is a drum masterclass and if it's half as good as last time, it'll be ace!!!
It all takes place, Monday May 19th at The Winners Lounge, Swindon Town Football Club.
It's an all age gig, so you can bring the kids and, don't panic, Pete won't be allowed to speak!!
You can also email info@2sickmonkeys.com for ticket info
[January '08]New Releases - help needed
We have 3 new releases coming up between now and the summer and we need your help...please.
February '08 - The 'WHY?' EP (smeg007) 5 brand new recordings and 1 live track. One of these songs is an instrumental without a title...this is where you come in.
If you have an idea for the song title, please send it in.
March '08 - Live Album (as yet untitled) (smeg008) Same things as above applies, we need a title, can you help?
Summer '08 - New Studio Album (smeg009) The follow up to 'Curse of the Monkeys' is finally on the way!! And guess what? Yep, we need a title, so get sending 'em in.
So, to sum up, we need 3 titles:
1) Instrumental Song Title
2) Live Album Title
3) Second Album Title
Please send your suggestions to: info@2sickmonkeys.com with 'Title' in the subject box. The best 3 titles will be used and the winners will each receive a copy of all 3 CD's.
Cheers and looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!!
[March '07] Reviews, Interviews and Distro to come!!
We will be adding all the reviews that we have found about us to the site very soon. You can check out some live reviews in our myspace blog and soon they'll be up on the site with all C.D. reviews that we can find as well.
If any of you out there would like to send in reviews of us...then go for it. Just email info@2sickmonkeys.com with '2SM Review' in the subject box.
We have now done a few interviews for various fanzines and e-zines, and just like the reviews, these will be up as soon as I can find 'em!!
Smegma Records Distro is on the way!! (so is Smegma Records Music) It is being set up to make available all Smegma Records Merch along with other bands' Merch and Fanzines..etc..
Both these sites are currently under construction but we hope to have them up and running as soon as possible.
If you are a band/fanzine/record label/clothing manufacturer...whatever...and would like us to help get your stuff out there, please get in touch by emailing smegmarecords@2sickmonkeys.com.
[March '07] Feb German dates cancelled and airplay on American Radio
The Germany dates mentioned below never happened in the end. Not enough dates could be booked so it's been put back to November. We will, however, be going over to Germany in August (13th) to play a festival in Hohenlobbese, with the possibility of more festival dates to come.
We've getting some airplay on a couple of American-based internet Radio Stations (Punk Rock Demo and My Punk Rock Radio) hopefully we can played on some more.
[January '07] Site Update, Merch Update
There's new merch on the merch page, T-Shirts, both kinds!!, and some new badges.
We've also added Paypal to make it easier for you to give us yer money!!!
We're also going back to Germany again in February, details will come later, for a short tour.
[March '06] Site Update
Added a new lyrics section. It's got the lyrics from the Curse of the Monkeys album. We'll be updating the EP lyrics too.
[March '06] Tour with Spit on You
The tour went well, crowds were a bit shy in some places, but Spit on You were a sight to behold. They were class, hard and fast, just fucking excellent. Can't wait to get them back again. Pics here
[Feb '06] 2SM on the radio!!
You can hear 2 Sick Monkeys on an American radio station called The Punk Rock Demonstration on February 6th. The show goes out at 7pm and the list of bands on the playlist is something else!!!! listen at lunarshells radio. For anyone checking since it's played, it's show #15 in the Lists section
[Jan '06] Update
We'll be going back to Germany again in October, dates aren't confirmed yet, but they'll be up on the gigs page as soon as we know.
We also have a gig at the Lokomotief in Venlo, Holland on January 14th, for the Stop The Killing Festival with Lord Bishop, RALD and The Meenies
[Dec '05] Update
The tour went without a hitch, we also met some really good people when we were there, and played in some fantastic venues, so hopefully, we'll be going back for some more next year.
We also met a band called Spit On You (H/C), who were fucking fantastic, so fantastic in fact, that we'll be trying to organise a tour for them next year.
[Oct '05] German Tour
We're going from the 20th till the 29th, plus we have dates on the 1st and 8th
[Oct '05] Come 'n' get it
The album is out, 13 tracks, 5 quid, and looking juicy as fuck! Available at gigs, the merch page, and Boss Tunes, Swindon
[Sept '05] Come be our friends!!
We've got a myspace page up and running, so come listen to some new mp3's, and see what else we've been up to
[April '05] Update
Following two successful shows in Germany, we were contacted, first by Lord Bishop, and then by
Anja Blume, from Popkilazz Presents about doing a two week tour of Germany in October
After a great deal of thought and stuff, about 1.3 seconds, we decided to bite their hands off, and go
As a result, we've managed to get our arses into gear - not that we hadn't before - and have almost finished
mixing the album, we've got badges and new T-shirts on the way, and, done our first ever photo-shoot with Gav
We looked like a right pair of twats, but we got the job done without too many tantrums
Thanks to Anja, Lord Bishop and Gav
[Feb '05] Tsunami Benefit Show
Three cheers to Life After Adventures Promotions, all the bands, Jurgen Milkwolff and everyone who showed up to support the Tsunami Benefit at Wootton Bassett Memorial Hall and helped to raise over Ł1000 for the D.E.C.
We were chuffed to be a part of it
[Jan '05] New Forum
Register on our fantastic brand spanking new forum and check out the latest goss!